Saturday, March 08, 2008

one week to Easter...

The penultimate term at university is coming to an end for me and what a three years it has been - with ups and downs the finish line is visible in the distance and its bloody scary!

We received details of graduation this week and the final assessments we are/are not going in for and being nominated for an award for my radio show means that the finish is near.

Don't get me wrong I want to go out into the "real world" and ply my trade and use my skills but I keep questioning whether or not I am ready and at the moment I really am unsure...which is not good because I need to be focussed and ready for a job and to make my way in the world

You can tell it's nearing the end when I am saying this is the last saturday of my radio show before easter and tomorrow will be my last show before easter on the student radio station.

I handed two assignments in yesterday, a 1,500 word essay on PA (Public Administration) and a 20 minute recorded debate for the Future of Journalism module.

Next week just leaves me with the newspaper deadline to worry about and being on the sports team and it not being an assessed edition things could be worse.

As you can see I am a bit confused right now but it really is amazing how writing thoughts down

can help you. Until next time I'm off to do some work - including Law and Shorthand.

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