Tuesday, September 25, 2007

University 3rd year

So I now have my timetable and it's 1 and a half hours of Shortand (the Teeline variety) a day in order to get us up to writing 80 WAM to pass the course and 100 WAM to pass the NCTJ. Overall I have around 20 hours a week at University in what will be my third and final year (as long as I don't resit...) That scares me, I knew it was coming but saying it and thinking about it is more than slightly worrying. I don't think I am ready yet to work 9-5 five days a week on a newspaper as a staffer, so I am hoping the third year will get me more prepared for the challenges this may bring. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to getting a job and making a career and my work experience placements will only stand me in good stead for doing that but there is a niggling feeling that I just need more time.
One of the main reasons for this niggle is my results last year. Ok, results are not everything and my CV will count for a lot and its not like I am doing awful but if I want my 2:1 I just need to improve just a little....last year I got scores of 60, 59, 58, 57 and 49 (I completly buggered up one assignment on that 49) which demonstrates I am DAMN close but just not quite there. Hopefully, with a bit more luck/effort this year I can hit the 2:1 barrier and achieve my desired degree mark.
I have moved into a new house from 2nd year which is pretty nice from the first glance and experience the only down side being its around 20 minutes from the Uni while in the 1st and 2nd year I was right next to the campus.
No news as yet regarding getting involved with the student paper or radio or the community radio station but time and work constraints are stopping me committing myself at the moment so we'll see how it goes and whatever I can do I will do as its all for my benefit at the end of the day.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Summer 07

Ok since it has been nearly 2 months since I last updated this and while a little bit may be down too laziness most is down to what I have been doing.
From the start of the summer I had a work experience placement that was planned to last two weeks but ended up lasting three weeks.
I needed to earn some cash which is why the job at the hospital came in very handy. Working 9-5 five days a week really brought in the cash.
I took a week's break to do work experience at another newspaper which was accompanied with a byline and lots more cuttings for my portfolio and a more experience of getting information over the phone.
After some more time in the paid job it was time for my one week placement with the M.E.N. paper. This was a fantastic experience as it is a much bigger organisation and the things I learnt there will surely stand me in good stead for the future, especially the articles I produced and have kept from the paper.
After my summer of journalism I had the best time on a holiday ever. After working from the weekend after I finished Uni until the weekend before I went on holiday - a lad's holiday was the perfect tonic for me ;) I have got loads of great memories and it was top class fun!
3 days after I got back I went to the Big Apple for my Dad's birthday. It was amazing, the way of life their is much more hectic then here and the sights to see were breathtaking and the four days I spent there was a perfect way to end my last summer holiday before I look for a job.
I came back to Uni yesterday and am settling into my new house for my third year. I now do around 20 hours a week for my journalism course and things start on Monday so I am nervous but excited about starting my final year of study at UCLan.