Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who says nothing happens here?

Last Sunday while minding my own business and listening to Snow Patrol's new "Up to Now" album - which I recommend you buy something very unusual happened.

Neither me or my neighbour heard this but we were informed by a guy and gal later that a take-out food delivery employee had not put the handbrake on the car enough and it had rolled down the hill and smashed into the fencing near my house.

Funniest thing is I was in at the time but my parents were not. So I was enjoying a cool glass of Hoegaarden (again - I recommend this), just casually looked out of the window and saw the fencing in bits and concrete plinths knocked over.

I couldn't believe I hadn't heard anything so went outside took some photos then rang my parents and told them the news.

It really is lucky that a police officer happened to be passing by at the time and that no-one was hurt with the car rolling at some speed, uncontrollably, now a hill in the dark narrowly missing a lamppost.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Analogue BBC Two...your time is up

This is the news the analogue BBC 2 signal went off at midnight last night and it went all digital which is expected to be completed later today. At the moment all I have on my screen is blue nothingness because I am served by the Winter Hill transmitter.

I was actually just going to bed at midnight last night and am cursing I forgot to tune in for the last few seconds of analogue BBC 2 TV as they had a light and sound display on the history of television in Manchester city centre so I will definetly be awake for the switchover of BBC One, ITV1, Channel 4 and Five when they are permanently switched on December 2.

I will certainly be interested to hear how much chaos it does actually cause throughout the north-west today and other regions, as reported by Sean Poulter in the Daily Mail and commented on by 40-0dd people at last check.

There are thirty advice points across the region, apparently, and it's not as if we've not been told about this - even I knew and I had been out of the country for eight months until late September.

But someone in the north-west will be confused and think of all those people without Sky or Freeview...programmes such as Newsnight, Autumnwatch and Strictly...it takes two will be left devastated.

There is a lot of discussion, some for, some against and some sitting-on-the-fence posters on reghardware where you can go back to see the actual article. But like it or lump it the digital swithcover is here and within a month analogue will be no more in the north west.

Future here we come.