Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lib Dem leader

If you haven't heard then Sir Menzies (pronounced "Ming") Campbell has become the Liberal Democrat party leader today after beating Chris Huhne, who finished 2nd, and Simon Hughes, 3rd place. Well, although I wasn't actually old enough to vote in the last general election I PROBABLY would have voted Lib Dem, not got a specific reason why though, which is poor especially for a Journo student. However, I think this is a step in the right direction for the 3rd biggest party in British politics, because lets face it they are nowhere near touching either Labour and Tories. I believe that experience is the best way forward for the party, Tories can afford to gamble about with David Cameron, especially after all the criticism Tony Blair is getting about his age!!
Wasn't exactly a smooth ride for the party though was it? It seemed like everyone had an agenda against them, which in a roundabout way shows people are interested in Lib Dem politics and maybe even worried that they might become a major voice in British Politics in a few years. Simon Hughes= Hounded until he admits he was gay= well I say, so the FUCK what, who gives a toss about what sexual preferences this guy has?? Like David Cameron smoking cannabis, its hardly going to affect his political judgement is it?? Chris Huhne, criticised again and again "well he's only been an MP for around 8 months"= Fair point, its true but what people fail to mention is he is 51 and has been an MEP for 6 years, no experience lacking in my opinion!! However, the dropped out candidate Mark Oaten, so cleverly timed revealmant wasn't it?? I do feel sorry for the guy, but his case is less defendable than the others. So really, unless the Lib Dems wanted to get embroiled in a messy barrage of shouts saying they had been an unrealiable leader, they had no other choice than to go with Menzies, who I think will be a great leader and will take the party forward. So now we have the "Blairites" the "Brownies" and the delightful "Mingers" ?!

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