Friday, February 23, 2007

Manchester Media day event

firstly, this is my 6oth post on this blog, it might sound good but the fact that I have had it over a year...well it points out I am not the most consistent blogger ever.
Anyways, yesterday I went to the Manchester Media Careers day which was right next to the G-MEX centre with the journalism society or JoSo (clever isn't it? JOurnalism SOciety!) at my University by train. The event was supposed to start at 10:30am but the queue's when we arrived were massive and it only got bigger so we stood outside in the cold and rain for around 45 minutes trying to get in. When we did I have to say the day was mostly a success, apart from the lack of a stall for Channel M which suprised me and the fact that the seminars were taken almost instantly due to the sheer volume of people.
The BBC, XFM, ITV, MEN and a whole host of other stalls were available though and provided me with some good people to talk to and find out how best to apply for work experience.
I have sent another two letters out today to try and get work experience in the summer and soon to send out another e-mail as well as I desperately need somewhere to work in the summer to get more experience about the industry I want to spend my whole life in! My piece I wrote for the student newspaper didn't get in either but not that surprised as it was only a NIB and not an important one either but my radio show is back on air this weekend so I will be gracing the ariwaves from 9-11am this weekend.

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