Thursday, November 09, 2006

My day yesterday....

..was a lot busier than I expected!
I got up in time for my 9-11am journalism seminar and it was the first week of Online Blogging (so, of course, I said "I already have a blog!" quite smugly) but now we have created a new one. Don't worry this one is mine and firm priority.
Anyways, after that I went to the local community radio station Preston FM (87.9FM) just to show my face etc...ended up I was there till 5pm and I went along with the news team to cover 2 which I got credit for even though I did nothing at all and the other seemed to vanish of the news bulletin but it may be on tonight.
After watching TV (and don't you agree that Channel 4 has one of the best tea-time line-ups?) I went to watch liverpool in the league cup at the pub. Came home jubilant bragged a tad to much to an everton fan (yep, they went out.) and they went to sleep :)
On friday I am doing the news bulletin for Preston FM so there will either be a post about that friday or saturday or if it goes badly I will run away from this career and never be seen again ;)

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