Tuesday, October 03, 2006

USA + Guns = death

I feel I have dodged this subject of my blog due to me 1) Not knowing enough about it to full comprehend the US guns culture as I live in the UK and 2) Maybe not wanting to post about the tragedies of the 3 schools that gunmen got into and killed innocent school children.
Last Wednesday a 16-year-old girl died when an armed man, who also killed himself, took six students hostage at a Colorado high school and on Friday, a head teacher at a high school in Wisconsin was killed when he confronted an armed 15-year-old student as he entered the school and now a gunman has killed 5 girls between the ages of 7 and 13 years old. Thankfully he shot himself as well.
I can not begin to comprehend how someone with a loaded gun could walk into a school and take hostages at gun point? and I thought taking a pen-knife to school was bad.
This is why, I wasn't sure about writing this post....I am shocked and horrified about what has happened to these kids and there families.
The white house was/is holding a conference today about the issue of security in US schools...not suprising. How can people get hold of guns so easily and then use them to kill innocent people? Thats what I can not understand and frankly, I don't know if I want to understand.
The hostages being taken in their own school at gunpoint is serious enough and it is clear that must of these people aren't afraid to take away a briefly lived life or lives but a 15 year old taking a gun into school and killing a head teacher...I cannot find the words.
I am not totally ignorant, gun crime happens in UK of course it does but to the extent and the ramifications of the US, thankfully, I would say we have not yet reached that stage.
A final thing as well, a big investigation is being launched and all these meetings are taking place but 3 things in the space of a week....a lot of damge has already been done but anything that can be done to stop lunatics going anyway and taking hostages or waving a gun around should be done.
Both of the murderers obviously could not face up to what they had done, walked into a school full of children and taking away the rest of their lives as well as devastating the families/friends of the victims so they took the cowardly way out and shot themselves.
These things do intrigue me, suppose it is natural instincts as a trainee Journo to ask the guys who stormed into the school why did they do it, what did they think they would achieve, can they see the pain/suffering they have caused and get into their minds....but with cold-blooded killers do we really want to hear they story even if we could?
Naomi Rose Ebersole, age seven, Lina Miller, age seven, Mary Liz Miller, age eight, Anna Mae Stoltzfus, age 12, Marian Fisher, age 13, the Head Teacher killed last Friday and the 16 year old schoolgirl killed in Colorado.

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