Monday, October 09, 2006

R.I.P Paul Hunter = there is the link to the BBC resource that has the story but I am going to share my thoughts on here.
I didn't know he was that ill, thought he was getting better. I have never had cancer or known people close to me to have it but still, must be a deep shock to his family as he was only 27.
I was in buoyant mood, browsing the internet then came across this story and it stopped me in my tracks. Never seen him live but watched Paul many times on TV and I liked his style of snooker and before the illness he was quite a good player.
Shocking news, tragic and he leaves a Wife Lindsey and young daughter Evie Rose.
Not important now but his birthday would have been this Saturday...the day when I start my radio show :(
He will be sadly missed by all his family and by the snooker profession. I am sure the tributes will pour in tomorrow and rightly they should.
Life so cruelly ripped away at the tender age of 27. Do events like these ever make you wonder that life is just not fair? They do to me.
R.I.P Paul Hunter 14/10/1978 - 9/10/2006.

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