Monday, September 04, 2006

R.I.P Steve Irwin

What can I say? = I was driving home early this morning and heard the news on Radio 1.
He was a man who died at home in his natural habitat and doing what he lived for.
Steve Irwin, 44, died after being struck in the chest by the stingray's barb while he was filming a documentary in Queensland's Great Barrier Reef.
It gets its name from the razor-sharp barb at the end of its tail, coated in toxic venom, which the animal uses to defend itself with when it feels threatened.
The crew called for medical treatment, it arrived but they were unable to save him. stingray venom is rarely lethal and it would have been the wound caused by the barb itself, which could measure up to 20cm long, which proved fatal
I know he was controversial at times, but what he did to promote nature in Australia and doing what he did best was really quite something.
He risked his life several times to educate, inform and certainly entertain the watching public.
I think its shows how he reached across the world by the number of people from all over the world are paying their respects to him and many a website has already been set up to leave tributes on.

R.I.P Steve Irwin.

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