Thursday, February 23, 2006

A grand day out

I went to Glasgow yesterday and then Manchester, so we had to get up before 7AM, now for a student I did not realise such a time existed. First ever time I've been to wee Scotland, of course the trip was purely educational however, we did see the Countdown clock (don't ask!!) and a very very weird piece of "modern" art. If this Journalism lark doesn't work out, I know what career I'm going into....

As for the event I thought the Glasgow one went pretty well, the majority of the stalls there were more for people who hadn't decided if they really wanted to do Journalism or where to study it, with lots of colleges and training courses but they also had the BBC, Channel 4, TrafficLink and other useful stalls.
The talks and questions were very useful, even if sometimes they were a little hard to hear, and had some good points although some people were only plugging their own organisations lol!! Overaall 7/10 for Glasgow.
As for Manchester North-West Freelancers event, not really as good as the last one, after we found the venue, I thought it was going to be like last time, with a lot of Freelancers and get to talk to all of them, but as soon as the Freelance Photographer (who did hang around and answer questions to give us an insight into freelance photography from all angles) finished speaking the majority of them couldn't leave quick enough, so in that respect it was pretty poor.
Nothing we could have really done about that though and overall the day was worth it, even if Glasgow wasn't as great as I thought it would be.


Craig said...

Whatever there is to be said about the lack of exciting stalls at the Glasgow Media thing, you cannot deny that the Channel 4 lollypops were great!

And check out the art in question:

A running clock. Apparantly.


JournoJoe said...

wow thats so cool, lookat the woman in fron of it!! lol
And i agree, I'm sure i've still got my lolly wrapper..... hmm