Sunday, December 06, 2009

The life of your Average Joe with no journalism job

As we approach the festive season there's not much for me to be jolly about I'm afraid.

After being forced to leave Australia at the end of September, where I had a casual journalism job with a major newspaper company and returning to England I have had zero luck in landing a role back "home".

I secured my job back at Asda so at least am working and bringing in the cash but not what I want to do for my life. I had a chat with a guy that joined at the same time as me (August 2008) recently, a maths graduate, and he said the same - no jobs. He is even thinking of changing his career path and I'm not surprised.

In the space of ten days I had three interviews, one for a job in Manchester, one on a paper in Sale and another for a year long trainee scheme with the almightly BBC. I already know I have been unsuccessful with the Manchester and Sale jobs.

I highly doubt me landing the Beeb role, partly down to me being a bag of nerves during the gruelling interview day in London and partly due to the competition I was up against. Find out next week so if I could get that it would be a dream come true and the perfect xmas gift.

Searching job sites at the moment is seeming relatively fruitless but I'll keep checking and it could be worse... But if I don't get a journalism job in the new year I might expand my horizons again with a trip to South Africa - after the cricket and before the World Cup!

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