Sunday, July 09, 2006

one week can be a long time

Yeah one week yet a lot of things have happened. England lost the cricket series to Sri Lanka 5-0, all the Brits got knocked out of Wimbledon and the only thing that can make grown men cry happened (yep I am talking about England being beaten on penalties at the World Cup). On a side note, I saw Christiano Ronaldo's face pictured in the Sun on a dartboard and for me thats just inciting anger and hatred isn't it? Ok, he will not be on my xmas card list either, but putting his face on a dartboard, while it was supposed to be lighthearted, is an interesting editorial decision from my POV.

After all the pestering I did to try and get a placement at the BBC I finally achieved it, they rang me on Friday night and despite missing the call by this Tuesday I was working at the BBC on a 4-week unpaid work experience placement which I am chuffed about and I hope will lead to better things career wise.

I failed one assignment in the 1st year of Uni so am re-doing that again to make sure I can continue my journalism course, i have a flat in preston now but I haven't actually seen it yet! so that will be interesting to see where I will be living next year.

Due to the BBC thing taking up most of my days, updates on here will be sparadic but tough!

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