Thursday, May 25, 2006

Uni's out for summer.....but not for ever

Yep, been home now nearly a week and been sending letters to every shop I can think of to get a job and last Friday went to a local bar for a job after an ad in the local paper and ringing them, so now I have a bar job. Did my first shift last night and lots more to come I hope.
Relatives are over from Aussie land, seen a few of them but still need to see more of them which should happen next monday.
Already missing Preston really, probably because most of my mates are at work or still at University but I'm getting rather bored during the day and watched almost all day of the test cricket today, which was a great day for England but still... I'm bored!!
It will get better though soon, better do because I don't go back to University till September so.... nice.

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