Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rant at News interrupting movies

Before I rant at ITV, just like to explain why I haven't been posting as much.....well erm....ok there is no "real" reason, just that its coming to the end of my 1st year at Uni and I'm ever slipping into the abyss of the "lazy bugger" but who cares..?? oh right....hmm

Anyway, I was watching the Matrix revolution (was that what it was called?) last night on ITV and I was, sort of, getting into it and really enjoying it. Not usually my type of film, but it was good and half-way through a mid-action scene it cut-off and I was like "what the...." to break for the news!! Gggrrr I was majorly pissed.... I know this has happened for ages, but how many people actually stay tuned to ITV to go all through the news to keep on watching the film? well not me, thats for sure. I know its bad for a trainee Journo to condemn a news break but it really is the worst editorial decision I have seen in long time (slight exaggeration but oh well). They certainly lost my viewing anyway, don't get me wrong I need to watch the news and if i was enjoying the film so much I MAY have stay tuned but I didn't so thats my big complaint about ITV. Plus, isn't ITV news the worst presented on Terrestrail TV? A guy walks around a massive room and down the stairs and along the floor towards a stand with massive screens surronding him....and I'm just like "get the fuck on with it!!" In the time it took him to do that we could have been into the news is a news programme not a current affairs show, its shouldn't be "infotainment" it should be the news and non of this bullshit we are getting now from most of the TV channels..... and thats why we shouldn't get rid of the BBC.

Woah!! feel better now, hhhaaaa. Oh and you watch the celeb footy match last night between England and Germany legends? It was a match for charity including some celebs and some retired footy players.....we lost 4-2 but the highlight of the game was a 80-th minute tackle by non other than Boris Johnsen, the MP, on 1 of their star players!! I nearly pissed myself
laughing it was fantastic.....It was a cross between a footy and a rugby tackle, really hilarious.

Finally, (this post is way too long) I handed in my penultimate assignment today, about an hour ago on deadline day. Pretty proud of myself really and I hope it gets me a good mark as based on the 1st year so far, I am heading for a 2:1 mark in my degree. Suits me fine, but their is always room for improvment.
Right done, I do apologise for the essay, really I do.

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