14-16 May took me to a place were I have never been before - Syndey, Australia!
The 14 didn't take me to many places except late night Thursday shopping, a pub's quiz night, a pizza shop, another hotel's bar and then finally back to the Formule 1 Hotel were I was staying.
May 15 saw me climb Syndey Harbour Bridge, which was s**t scary let me tell you - especially after a few beers the next before despite passing the breath test...hmm.
Syndey Opera House was another great sight and so is the general CBD (Central Business Distrcit) = breathtaking. I so wish I had the camera lead to put some up but I don't and out of principle I am NOT buying one!
May 16 was just a general walk around the Sydney train line stops going in from Domestic to the Harbour stop. Getting off at most stations having a wander then getting back on the train and continuing my journey.
Dandenong was different on May 19, way different, as I got a job offer - I took my time to consider my options, consulted the yes and no men and women. I decided to accept but then the carpet was pulled from under my feet with the only visa I would be applicable to work on unable to be compatible with Fairfax as they would need to sponsor me and in this economic climate, understandably, they said No.
Fairfax offered local work May 20 and the next week 26-29 and with a front page of the Monash Journal under my belt in April I was cooking on gas for sure. Heading into June and another d-day - should I stay or go? On the go home side is friends, family, regular home comforts and a job at home. On the stay side is the time I having with my (sort of) cousin and family, the work with Fairfax and the overall experience of spending time in a foriegn country in a job where I am doing different things every day and a lifestyle I could get used too...