Monday, November 13, 2006

I have a job!!

Well, I have actually worked for the recruitment agency for the first time on Saturday after being registered with them for over a year! :)
The job is in catering and it was at Ewood I was only a few metres away from Blackburn Vs Man Utd which, as a footy lover, was pretty darn cool.
Today, my Journalism mind has been busy again. Preston FM for most of the day, doing vox pops, sitting in on interviews and then going back to the office/studios to edit it. I really am enjoying the stuff they let me do there and hearing a story I contributed to on the news bulletin.
I went to Pluto, the student paper, news meeting today and got a story about race relations at UCLan to do, not that bad except I have quite a few interviews to do so might have to scale down my preston fm involvement.
My "Whitworth at the Weekend" radio show on the student station has been moved to 9-11am from 7-9am, very glad about that! extra kip in bed time.
Going to a meeting tomorrow about getting involved with the "students today"page, which is one page in the Lancashire Evening Post (LEP) about students, so hopefully I can write a piece or 2 for that to expand my student profile.
Still got a lot of assignment work to do though so we will see how each venture go because my main priority has to be my Univeristy degree after all!

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