Saturday, July 15, 2006

Will they ever shut up?

This post is more of an annoyed point about the industry I wish to enter, the UK news media rather than anything else.

Firstly, there is the point that the majority of people make and that is: leave the Diana subject alone, she died in 1997 in a tragic accident, whether or not that is true we will never know (even though the investigation is still continuing) but papers like the Daily Express (and others I am sure) cannot help it can they? Almost every month since Diana's death a story of who did it? why? who else was involved? etc has been printed.

But with the printing of the photo of Diana dying printed in the Italy magazine Chi, I agree that it should not be seen, how can it be in the public interest to see a picture of someone dying 9 years ago? I agree with the UK news media not publishing this particular picture, however they are not afraid to publish any other story in relation to her are they?

For example, the cameraman boasting "I bedded Diana" this week, made a lot of front pages and it just should be ignored in my opinion. It just shows how hypocritcial the UK news media is and that it doesn't always act on consensus of public opinion. I could not give the slighest shit if he did or didn't, but to claim it is just bringing up the past and includes a woman who cannot even defend herself. Do we really need to know about her private life?

I was young when Princess Diana died and have several suspucions of my own, especially regarding how societies and opinions have changed but the reality is whatever happened will never actually be heard in truth, so the media might as well just forget about it and stop the scandal about Diana.

It is not in the interest of the public to know about Diana's private life, it doesn't matter what we know now anyway, but it is in the interest of the pockets of journalism as a business. If the investigation finds out who REALLY did kill Diana and Dodi Al Fayed then by all means, print it and inform the public but all this scandal is just hypocritical and a fixation on the couples death.

R.I.P Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed.

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