Monday, April 19, 2010


The job search is progressing slower than I want with only an odd e-mail every now and again, either saying I have got to the next stage or been rejected :(

I have decided to fill my spare time by going to the gym again and watching a bit of live cricket.

My first time at Old Trafford for a long time was to see the County Championship opener for Lancashire V Warwickshire.

Two glorious days of sunshine, £15 entry and sausage and chips + ice cream. Can't beat it!

Also had time to wander down the road to the Old Trafford which I had never seen before.

I could only go for the first two days due to work commitments, at least I have a job I suppose, but that was enough to ensure I will be going to more this season - weather and work permitting.

Best news of all is the Red Rose County won by 121 runs.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Every cloud has a silver lining...even an ash one

Mother Nature has thrown many people into absolute chaos with people stuck everywhere around the globe because of an ash clound grinding airports across the world to a halt.

I was an observer up until a short time ag0 - feeling sorry for all the people caught up in this - but also quietly chuckling in the corner that I wasn't involved.

Well, no more. Hardly the worst crisis but a band I was going to see Tue 27 April have been forced to delay their tour because of this cloud which has now turned from low down the list of my attention to quite high, especially as I have already got my ticket!

Thankfully it has been re-arranged as a short time ago, said band, announced they were splitting up.

Powderfinger are an Australian band and I didn't see them live while over there but became quite hooked on their music so am definetly looking towards seeing them live, especially as it will now be the last time they play over here.

Or will it? Probably but of course people are cynical in this day and age and believe they will be back.

On a final note let's hope this ash cloud business goes away and in the long run the damage is minimal :)

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

R.I.P Sgt Van Gorp

I was just browsing the Journal and Leader sites as I do to catch up with the local Aussie news, as I still take an interest after working there for around eight months, when I came across this shocking news.

Tony Van Gorp, a police officer for 30 years, killed himself after resigning with a possible threat of being fired and shot himself while cleaning out his desk. It was later known he was under investigation over "a number of issues".

You can read more into the story and the content of the e-mails from the Daily Mail here. This blogger doesn't want to dwell on the content of the e-mails.

There is a blog from Derryn Hinch on 3AW radio station which suggests some interesting differences on the "e-mail porn scandal" and a VicRoads recording.

I remember speaking to Sgt Van Gorp a number of times when calling Healesville police station as part of "police rounds" checking if anything had gone on in the area.

Some times it had and some times it hadn't but he always found the time to talk to me and quickly realised I was a pom!

I never met him face to face but from what I have read and was told before he seemed to always be willing to help anyone.

It is horrible to hear that he has taken his life, whatever happened, if Derryn Hinch is right or not with his thoughts on the above blog.

His funeral was held today and my condolences are with his family and friends.