Monday, May 26, 2008

The last ever blog post as a university student (?)

I think it will be as I finish university on Thursday - I have an exam tomorrow and one on Thursday and that's it.

No more student life.

That is very scary and I will really miss university, but I suppose everyone has got to grow up and get on with life so the time has come!

The best advice I can give to anyone thinking of university is that it is/has been the best years of my life and I am so glad I spent three years of my life doing this - maybe it could have been at a different uni, maybe even a different course but the life experience I have got sets me up in good stead and looks great on the CV.

I have been applying for a few jobs, some in the print journalism industry which my course reflects as I took the print route in the 3rd year and some in radio, which is a big interest of mine.

Which is the reason I will be playing some part in the final test broadcast before preston fm goes live full time - this is another boost to the CV and I will be doing it for free.

I am still hoping to go to Australia later this summer but have had no solid experience offers, which I half expected as it was a bit ambitious for someone to say:

"yes, we don't know you but we will employ you for around 2 months and pay you!"

But that will look great on the CV give me an experience I will NEVER forget so I am really looking forward to that.

Otherwise in my (probable) last blog as an undergraduate journalism student I bid you all farewell!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

21 seconds to go.

The title is in reference to the so solid crew tune 21 seconds because this (sparadic) blogger has now turned 21 years old Which leads me on to the fact that I have one more exam and then my university life is over - no more student life. Cor, blimey!
As posted before due to excess messing around it looks like I am going to receive a 2:2 degree but hopefully I have passed 90 WAM (words a minute) shorthand and that will be confirmed or shot down on Friday.
Anyways, off the top of my head I thought I would post a few pointers about uni life.
1) Look around the town and see what there is to do - e.g Preston = Rileys, sports clubs, plenty of nightlife (but as I found out this weekend...not as good as Sheffield).
2) Try your best to live in the town/city. I know I would not have missed the experience(s) I got living away from home for anything. It is easier to meet new people and see new things if you are there all the time.
3) When you start Uni you can feel a bit lonely (if like me you didn't know anyone coming to the Uni) so join clubs/societies, talk to your flatmates and course mates especially - REMEMBER the majority of people are in the same boat as you, I know (because I am very shy and quiet) that it can be difficult to put yourself out there, so to speak, but you'll regret it in the long run if you don't.
4) If you are doing journalism DO NOT be swayed by a course being NCTJ accredited because it really means bugger all as you have to take seperate exams as well as the course ones to get that NCTJ accreditation and only an odd one has been free to take instead of paying the sky-high prices they charge for an exam. e.g. £35 per paper.
5) If you are doing journalism look at the media outlets in the town and try and find and get in contact with these at an early stage because as your course goes on the busier you will get. e.g. Preston FM, LEP, Preston TV.
6) Try and find out about the course from someone not directly connected with it like lecturers. Try and find students there now or past students. I was lucky in speaking to former BBC GMR employee Mike Briscoe who directed me in Preston's direction and I will be eternally grateful to him for that as my other choices may not have worked out as well.

I will keep adding to this list as more things come to mind but for now, in my first full day being a 21 year old I am going to get my cup of tea, crumpet and blanket and watch some Bargain Hunt!